Welcome Message / Invitation video
21st International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
Helmut F. Schweiger
President Austrian Geotechnical Society
Chair ICSMGE 2026
1925 Karl Terzaghi published the book „Erdbaumechanik auf bodenphysikalischer Grundlage“ in Vienna which is widely regarded as the birth of modern soil mechanics. The Austrian Geotechnical Society and the Austrian Society for Geomechanics are proud to jointly celebrate the 100th anniversary of this milestone in geotechnical engineering. 1929 the first Institute and Laboratory for Soil Mechanics was established at the TU Wien. „Where it all began“ is therefore the slogan of the 21st International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ICSMGE) to be held in Vienna in June 2026. It will be an in-person event because I strongly believe that personal communication and networking is a key component of an international conference. Leading experts in the field have agreed to deliver state-of-the art lectures and for the first time in this series of conferences a plenary session will be organized by the European Federation of Foundation Contractors (EFFC), providing the industry with the opportunity to present their efforts in battling climate change and reducing CO2-footprint of construction industry. I can assure that the organising committee will do everything to make this conference a memorable event, in both, scientific and social aspects and I invite you to come to the beautiful city of Vienna, in the heart of Europe.
More than 2100 received!
The review of abstracts by national Societies is in the final stages. Authors will be notified about acceptance in due course.
Present your company in the most important event of Geotechnical Engineering with 2000+ participants expected.
Secure your premium exhibition and advertising spot now!
For information on the International Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference (iYGEC) 2026 in Graz, click here:
Travel to Vienna - by Rail
Vienna occupies a hub position in Europe‘s international rail network. Intercity and international express trains connect Austrian’s capital with all major cities in Europe.
Additionally there are direct night trains going among others to Paris, Rome, Hamburg, Brussels etc: ÖBB Nightjet
Travel to Vienna - by Air
The direct flight time to Vienna from any European capital does not exceed 3 hours. With a journey time of only 16 minutes from Vienna Airport to the city center the City Airport Train is the fastest way to travel – without stress and traffic jams and in an environmentally friendly way, 365 days a year, every 30 minutes from 05:36 am to 23:39 pm.
Travel to Vienna - by Car
Austria‘s expressway network extends right into Vienna, making it convenient and safe to reach the city by car or motor coach from anywhere on the European continent.
Just 7 minutes by subway U1 from the city center, the Austria Center Vienna is located in the immediate vicinity of the UN headquarters, the Danube and the Donaupark. The station on metro line U1 is Kaisermühlen-VIC.
From the airport to the Austria Center and adjacent hotels it only takes about 30 minutes by cab or airport express bus.
For drivers, the Austria Center Vienna is easily reached via the A22 highway and offers own parking decks.
4 top hotels with 989 rooms are within walking distance.
Austria Center Vienna
Bruno-Kreisky-Platz 1
1220 Wien
Deadlines: Early bird: 15.03.2026, Regular: 31.05.2026, CET
Congress fees:
Members early bird: € 895.00
Members regular: € 995.00
Members late: € 1,095.00
Non members early bird: € 995.00
Non members regular: € 1,095.00
Non members late: € 1,195.00
Stundents early bird: € 475.00
Stundents regular: € 550.00
Stundents late: € 625.00
Workshop fees:
Half-Day Workshop early bird: € 150.00
Half-Day Workshop regular: € 200.00
Half-Day Workshop late: € 225
Full-Day Workshop early bird: € 250.00
Full-Day Workshop regular: € 275.00
Full-Day Workshop late: € 300.00
Dinner: € 125.00
Concert: € 20,00
All prices include value-added tax (VAT). Event admissions are subject to VAT in Austria and must be taxed accordingly (reverse charge is not applicable).
The participation fee includes
We are in the process of certifying the ICSMGE 2026 according to the Austrian Ecolabel Guideline for Green Meetings and Green events. To reach this goal, we have taken many visible and invisible measures, including:
We are grateful for your approval and support of this goal and our efforts.
If you have any questions, please contact our Green Meeting officer (office@icsmge2026.org, Tel.: +43 662 875519)
Conference Chair: Helmut F. Schweiger
President of Austrian Geotechnical Society, Graz University of Technology
Conference Co-Chair and Scientific Chair: Dietmar Adam
Secretary General of Austrian Geotechnical Society, TU Wien
Conference Secretary: Christine Santos Martinez
Austrian Society for Geomechanics
Wolfgang Fellin, University of Innsbruck
Robert Galler, President of Austrian Society for Geomechanics
Gerald Goger, President of Austrian Association of Engineers and Architects
Andreas Hausenberger, TU Wien
Robert Hofmann, University of Innsbruck
Andreas Körbler, President of VÖBU Austria and Past President EFFC Europe
Thomas Marcher, Graz University of Technology
Roman Markiewicz, TU Wien, Terzaghi Archive
Roman Marte, Graz University of Technology
Thomas Pirkner, VÖBU Austria and Exhibition Organisation
Johannes Pistrol, TU Wien, Scientific Co-Chair
Barbara Schneider-Muntau, University of Innsbruck
Franz Tschuchnigg, Graz University of Technology, Chair iYGEC
Wei Wu, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
Marc Ballouz, President of ISSMGE
Lyesse Laloui, Vice-President Europe ISSMGE
Mario Manassero, Past Vice-President Europe ISSMGE
Andrew McNamara, Secretary General ISSMGE
Neil Taylor, Past Secretary General ISSMGE
John Carter, Chairman 20nd ICSMGE
Helmut F. Schweiger, Conference Chair 21st ICSMGE
Dietmar Adam, Scientific Chair 21st ICSMGE
Dietmar Adam (Chair), Austria
Johannes Pistrol (Co-Chair), Austria
Grace Abou-Jaoude, Lebanon
Anders Hust Augustesen, Denmark
Ramdane Bahar, Algeria
Mohamed Awad Bahr, Egypt
Michael Bardanis, Greece
Loretta Batali, Romania
Will Beresibo, Nigeria
Asal Bidarmaghz, Australia
Kaspars Bondars, Latvia
İlknur Bozbey, Turkey
Ronald Brinkgreve, Netherlands
Joana Carreto, Portugal
Geoff Chao, Southeast Asia
Darren Siau Chen Chian, Singapore
Nalin De Silva, Sri Lanka
Monika De Vos, Belgium
Tien-Dung Nguyen, Vietnam
Mauricio Ehrlich, Brazil
Fabrice Emeriault, France
Jose Estaire, Spain
Jana Frankovska, Czech & Slovak Republics
George Gaprindashvili, Georgia
Louis Ge, Taiwan
Bojana Grujic, Bosnia & Herzegovina
David Igoe, Ireland
Fardin Jafarzadeh, Iran
Anil Joseph, India
Jongwon Jung, South Korea
Mahdi Karkush, Iraq
Yuriy Kirichek, Ukraine
Edina Koch, Hungary
Stefan Larsson, Sweden
Anthony Leung, Hong Kong
Cheng Lin, Canada
Duc-Long Phung, Vietnam
Miguel Ángel Mánica Malcom, Mexico
Diego Manzanal, Argentina
Christian Moormann, Germany
Agus Muntohar, Indonesia
Satoshi Nishimura, Japan
Rolando P. Orense, New Zealand
Ervin Paçi, Albania
Jovan Papić, North Macedonia
César Pasten, Chile
Carlos Quadros, Mozambique
Sebastiano Rampello, Italy
Ellen Rathje, USA
Andrew Ridley, United Kingdom
Stefan Ritter, Norway
Alejo Sfriso, Argentina
Rafael Sharafutdinov, Russia
Haraldur Sigursteinsson, Iceland
Šarūnas Skuodis, Lithuania
Jasna Smolar, Slovenia
Igor Sokolić, Croatia
Peeter Talviste, Estonia
Armen Ter-Martirosyan, Russia
Dimitrios Terzis, Switzerland
Andrey Totsev, Bulgaria
Frans van der Merwe, South Africa
Mirjana Vukićević, Serbia
Katarzyna Zabielska-Adamska, Poland
Mark Zarco, Philippines
Sabid Zekan, Bosnia & Herzegovina
Jianhong Zhang,China